Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Random Thought of the Day

I have been wondering about something for a couple of days now.  It has to do with a sensative subject.  I don't like to discuss this subject because ah..to each his or her own.  But my thought is Religion.  Me personally, I don't believe in "religion".  Don't get me wrong, I believe in God and I also believe in the greater good.  But I don't see what it is about religion.  Are Baptist better than Methodists?  Are Catholics better than Protestants?  Are scienctologists better than all of them? (Some would say so).  Are Athestist better than all of us who choose to believe?

 I will tell you this.  I am sick to death of some Athestists.  I don't care if you don't believe, that is your choice.  But for the love of God, stop forcing your beliefs on me! Stop trying to take God away from me.  I want to celebrate the day Jesus was born.  I want to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.  You want to know why?  Because, I believe.  Some call us morons, because we believe.  In turn, I call them souless.  When you get to wherever you are going and you have to answer for yourself; Good Luck.

I don't like to get into this whole issue of why I believe, but that is another blog.  But what I do want to say is this.  This country was founded on the belief in God and that he would lead the "pilgrims" to religious freedom.  This country was "freed" because the people believed God was on our side.  As the years progressed, we have slowly started to phase God out of our lives.  He is no longer allowed in schools.  Has it gotten better because of it?  When are we finally going to say enough? When are we finally going to tell the Athestist to stop?  Just because they don't believe, doesn't mean I don't.  Just because they don't want to teach their children the value of God and the difference between right and wrong, I have to make sacrifices to appease them?  Since when?  I am also protected by that clause in the first amendment that states "freedom of religion".  So, I oppose the fact that they want to take God away from our children, schools, and public servants!   And away from me.  What gives the right to try also gives me the right to say no!  So, I say no.