Tuesday, May 3, 2011

THE DIET - Day 10 -- Encouragement

Good Morning lovely ladies.  I hope the scale was good to you all this morning.  I am down another .8lbs; bringing my 10 day total to 13.8lbs.  Not bad in 10 days.

There are days when I feel discouraged.  Sometimes I feel like I am never going to get to my goal weight.  I have so much to weight to lose; but then I think, I have so much to lose if I don't stay at this.  I want to be able to do things with my son, go to theme parks and ride roller coasters, go to the water parks and go down the slides and not feel like the fat chic from "Norbort".  I want this I do, but sometimes it seems so hard.  Hard to stay on protocol, hard to drink all the water.  But then all I have to do is visit the wonderful people at http://www.affordablehcgdiet.com/.  These are amazing women.  They are fighting the same battle I am.  You all are succeeding so well and it is a true encouragement to me.  You all make the journey a lot easier.  Without their support and encouragement; I would have given up a long time ago.  Ever since I decided to start this journey, one thing I knew for certain, I would always be able to ask questions, talk about my fears, and laugh with you all.  Thank you all so much for being a rock I can lean on and the kick in the butt I need when I am feeling down.

Monday, May 2, 2011

THE DIET -- Day 9

Good Evening my friends.  Sorry I didn't post earlier, I didn't have the time this morning.  Well, I dropped another 1.4 lbs this morning.  That is the number I want...this will bring my total weight loss to 20.4 lbs in 4 weeks; but 13 in 9 days. :)  I am starting to feel better.  I noticed I sleep better, but I still get sleepy around 3pm.  But when I get sleepy I eat my 2nd fruit.  I don't eat after 730pm.  It seems to work for me.  After dinner I try to drink 2 glasses of tea sweetned with stevia; then 2 glasses of water with lemon.  I am hoping it will wash everything out by morning!  I am still fighting off the urge to eat what I want.  That battle is still raging along.  But hopefully determination will win!  With http://www.affordablehcgdiet.com/  and all the ladies support I get, it will!!  <3 U all!! Good night!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

THE DIET -- Day 8 -- Self Confidence?

Good Evening Losers!  I started this day on a positive.  I lost .6lbs.  Not my intended goal; but a loss is a loss; bringing my 8 day total to 11.6lbs. 

I was thinking about this today.  Last night when I was talking with my Aunt's they told me that getting my new job and losing weight will help me with my self confidence.  I was like say wha?  Do they think because I am overweight that I lack self confidence?  I never once thought that my self confidence is low.  I am shiznit and I will say it proudly.  I am smart, funny, friendly(until someone pisses me off), pretty..no wait beautiful...and a all around wonderful person!   My weight was never an issue of self confidence. It was a issue of self control.  Then I thought..is there a difference.  Sure I am an emotional eater; but it also comes with the fact that I LOVE food.  That is where the addiction comes in.  I was raised around strong women beautiful women,  who asserted themselves in their lives.  Never once have I ever thought I lacked self confidence or has that what I have been telling myself?  I may need a few days to ponder that, but honestly, no I don't think I lack self confidence.  My dad is a major part of my life and he taught me to respect other people I have to respect myself.  "Never, be afraid to do what you want."  "Always do your best."  "Never start a fight, but if you are ever in one, make sure you finish it."  He has always told me he is proud of me, not matter what, through the hard times.  He never looked at me as a "fat" girl.  I have always been hard on myself.  I am hard on myself now because I let it get this far.  I am the one who did this to myself.  It wasn't because I didn't have self confidence.  It is because I lacked self control; which I am proud to say that without http://www.affordablehcgdiet.com/ I don't think I would have realized.  Now I am getting control of my impulses.  I don't feel the need to eat all the time.  Especially when I am bored.   Now I drink water when I am bored.  Now I can say no!