Saturday, March 24, 2012

THE DIET - DAY 5 ugh

Well, day 5 of the diet is done and I only lost .2lbs. Alas, I know where I went wrong yesterday. I had a small coke zero and then didn't drink enough water afterwards. :( Oh well, today is a new day!  But 11lbs in 5 days is nothing to be ashamed of.  :)  I am proud of my goal of the 10lbs!!  I know I can keep doing it, with and little baby steps.

Weekends are the hardest for me because usually on Saturday is go go go .... Austin has 3 basketball games today so this should be interesting.  Going to try to be good ...wait...we don't try ....WE DO!! 
 Have a wonderful Saturday my friends!! :-*

Friday, March 23, 2012

THE DIET - Day 4 -- Goal Reached

Good Morning,  Well, day 4 on the diet...I lost another 1.6lbs bringing my 4 day total weight loss to 10.8lbs.  Woot WoOt!  I only have 20 more til Vegas...with help may a few more :)  I have to tell you it feels good to reach a goal.  Going to keep the goals small and attainable so I don't get discourage especially when I stall or don't lose what I want to lose. :)  

Again you want to lose 10lbs in 4 days...u know you can do it to!!  Heck, if I sure can.  With the help of .... YOU CAN DO IT!!  HAPPY FRIDAY! :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Diet - Day 3

Well, Day 3 is gone and I am down another 1.6lbs.  Only .8lbs to my weekly goal of 10lbs.  I tell you I am more motivated this time than any other.  Maybe it is because I have Vegas coming up.  Some of you may ask....10lbs in a week?  How is that possible?  I will tell you how this is possible.
1.  Make a Deal with yourself to lose weight.
2.  Visit
3.  Order your weightloss drops
4.  Follow the diet.

Most of you may say 500 calories?  Oh My God, I can't eat just 500 calories.  Well, I felt that way to.  But I decided to try it anyway. I will tell you all this, that the first week is the hardest.  But when you see the weight meltaway within days, you will be more than willing to keep with it.  Don't you think you owe it to yourself to at least try it? I know I thought I did and I am glad that my friend Jennifer Keen got me to try it.  Then I have met several women who are extremely supportive and helpful.  So, come and join the weightloss train.. Go to and start your journey like me.  You will be glad you did! :)  If you have any questions you can always like affordablehcgdiet on facebook and Shea and the ladies will be more than willing to answer them!!! 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Diet - Day 2

Happy Wednesday my friends.  I hope you all had a great start to your week.  So far mine has been pleasant.  I lost 4.4lbs this morning.  YaY me!  Total of 7.6lbs in 2 days.  I am kind of proud of myself because I was fighting my other personality yesterday.  I wanted some peanut M&M's and some sweet tea!  She kept telling me.."you know you want it".  "Come on!"  But I fought back and my reward was a 4lb loss!  Kind of impowers me!  Lets me know that I can fight the food "urges".  I have 21 days until my Vegas trip.  I am hoping to hit Vegas 30lbs lighter.  I know with the help of I can do it!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Let it Begin

Well, day one is down and I lost 3.2lbs.  It is nice looking down and the scale and seeing the numbers go down.
You know I am still not ready to admit to myself nor anyone else how much weight I need to lose.  I think it is due to the fact that I am ashamed of myself for letting it get this bad.  I blame myself for this.  I should have taken the steps necessary to lose this weight years ago, but I think I was scared, but scared of what I am not exactly sure yet.  Is it I am afraid that I would not be able to enjoy the food that has been apart of my life for so long?  Is it because, I don't know who or what I am if I am thinner.  I mean I like me.  I just don't want to be a fat me.  I know that being overweight does not make you who you are.  Even if I drop the weight I know it won't change who I am, it will just change the way I feel and look. But the journey is a scary one.  What if I fail?  But I can't dwell on the what if's.  I have to do this for me...for me. But with the help of, I can tell you I won't be alone and these folks are very supportive :)  I just have to remember that I CAN do this. :)  Happy Losing!!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

New Me?

Hello everyone, I have decided that maybe I should keep a blog diary of my dieting to see if it will help me stay on track.  It seems that whenever I begin this diet something happens.  First time, former boss lady decided it was a good idea to hit me in the head.  Second time, the ex decided that he finally wanted to be a father and started a whole new battle.  So now the third time is a charm.  So, I decided that maybe if I write out my thoughts and feelings on matters of stress it will help.  Stress is what causes me to find the comfort of food.  So, here I go .....again.  I plan on sticking with it this time.  I need to, for me.

So for everyone who wants to cause me stress.... :-p  lol.   HAPPY DIETING!!