Monday, December 31, 2012

Movie #2 - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

The second movie that I decided to watch was AFI's #50 pick; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.  I will tell you all that this movie did not disappoint me, as if anything with Paul Newman could disappoint me. It had a mix a everything, action, drama and humor.  The chemistry between Paul Newman and Robert Redford is so much fun to watch. 

As the movie begins we see a little short film of the "Hole in the Wall Gang".  Then the opening of the story begins with Paul Newmans eyes; well I was hooked. Right away you are charmed by his humor.  Then you see Robert Redford playing cards in a local saloon.  A man accuses him of cheating without knowing who he is.  When he finds out he backs off and Butch and Sundance leave town.  Upon return to their hideout Butch is challenged for leader because the gang is upset about the long absenses.  Needless to say it doesn't go so well for the challenger.  Upon winning the challenge, another gang member informs Butch of the plans to rob the train....twice.  Butch decides that is a good idea. 

The first robbery goes as planned.  The second one was not as successful.  Upon blowing up the train car; they are met with an odd looking small train.  The door opens and out jumps a gang of lawmen.  These men track them all over the place through the valleys; up mountains, through towns and rivers.  They finally lose them.  Upon returning to a friends home they learn that the head of Union Pacific has hand selected men to track and capture them.  Sensing that they can't stay Butch convinces them that they need to go to Bolvia.

Bolvia turns out to be a disappointment as they do not speak spanish and they have to learn how to speak the language in order to rob the banks.  They get a repuation and one night Butch sees the hat of the main lawman that hunted them in the states.  The decided to go straight, but that doesn't work out to well. Upon robbing a band of men with the payroll for the mines they take a mule.  The mule is marked and as they stop in the town a boy noticed the mule who is branded.  They are then ambushed by the local policia.

I love the way this movie ended.  It left you with a since of hope...maybe just maybe they made it.   This is a movie that I am truly glad I watched.  It was entertaining all the way through.. and could you go wrong with Paul Newman and Robert Redford.  It is a MUST on your movie list.

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